Well I'm back from Juarez, Mexico. John and I just spent a week at Hogar De Nino's Emmanuel
http://www.emmanuelministries-juarez.org/ which is a children's home in Juarez. What a blessing. We went there to work on the plumbing, play with the children, do vacation Bible school and generally help others. We left with many tears and a big part of our heart in Juarez. What a humble, gracious people. Our hearts are so full of the many hugs and kisses from precious children who are being raised and taught at Hogar De Nino's Emmanuel. It was a privilege to meet Jonaten who runs the school and Sonia his wife who teaches. Aaron who was actually raised at the home, and John hit it off right away. Aaron now is a married man expecting his first born and he still lives in Juarez and works full time for the ministry.
We can't wait to get back! I look forward to many more years supporting this worth while, Kingdom family. So many stories to tell but just a few for now. We prayed for many people every day. We saw the Lord open the ears of a girl born deaf. She wept as she realized her hearing aids are no longer necessary. He comforted a man who lost his wife 2 years ago and has been drinking heavily since. The man was praying for someone to comfort him when we approached him on the street to pray for him. He cried like a baby for 30 minutes. The next day we saw him again, his face now bright and shiny with new hope. We walked into one yard where men were sitting around drinking and smoking. They offered us joints, we offered them Jesus. There hearts were softened and they asked us to pray for them. One man said " I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I need the kind of help you are offering so I can stop". We prayed for the little girls at the home. Many of them had encounters with God and told us of visions they saw. They saw bright lights and Jesus came out and would speak to them about His love for them. One girl said that the Lord told her "Your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life". Another said the Lord said "Desire to follow me." These are just a few of the many wonderful things that happened.
Pray for this precious ministry. In a city where children are abandoned, abused, neglected and worse, a city where women are randomly and brutally murdered, in the 7th most dangerous city in the world sits a light in the midst of darkness. A place where children find love and a family, where they are fed and taught and protected and loved. A church that reaches out to it's community and encourages men to step up and be fathers. What a difference they are making. Pray for them.